Practical Financial Understanding
for the Real World



What Makes Us Different?

What Do We Teach?


An education which provides students with the ability
to get a job and earn a living, but does not teach them
how to manage the money they will earn is incomplete background.jpeg

Personal Finance Illustrated®

A uniquely different personal finance course

A Real-wORLD Education In Personal Financial Management


The Personal Economic Model®

A Picture Is Worth a thousand Words

The Personal Economic Model® is the central foundation for each of the 'Lessons In Financial Efficiency’ which comprise this unique curriculum. It’s remarkably easy for any discussion on personal finance to come to life with this interactive visual aid. The model was initially developed for the financial advisory community and has been widely acclaimed for its ability to help simplify and clearly illustrate complex financial ideas and concepts. Now for the first time, educators are able to leverage this and many other innovative financial tools designed to promote concept recognition, cognitive retention, situational application, and behavioral transformation. When students are able to “see” what’s really going on, everything changes. It’s a powerful and proven method of conveying vital financial understanding, and it’s being embraced by the educators who are committed to pursuing a positive impact in the financial lives of the students in their classrooms.


Personal Finance Illustrated®
Course Curriculum

Lessons In Financial Efficiency

Want to know the secret of financial well-being? It’s not as much about what you do to accumulate more, as much as it is about how effectively you are able to utilize what you accumulate. Efficiency is the name of the game. The key lies in discovering how to balance your current lifestyle desires with your future lifestyle requirements. Personal Finance Illustrated® is designed to differentiate educators by equipping them with the ability to teach their students how to create a balanced and sustainable financial lifestyle, and to provide those students with the skills, tools, and understanding required to evaluate how the financial decisions they are making today, will directly impact the reality of their future.


Illustrative Financial Education

  • Paint a picture with innovative visual communication tools endorsed by the financial advisory community

  • Relate fundamental truths about personal finance and successful financial management

  • Provide understanding for critical financial decisions, and build a firm foundation upon assured financial principles

  • Equip students with the practical skills they’ll need to develop long-term financial stability


Personal Finance Illustrated®
Course Resources

Everything you need, plus more than you would expect

In order to provide a reliable financial education for our students, we must also focus on building and strengthening the capabilities of our educators. That’s why we’ve packed this course full of materials designed specifically to guide, direct, and coach instructors along the way. They’ll benefit from highly sought after financial training, previously available only to professionals in the financial services industry. We’ve built a complete virtual learning environment, which includes all of the training and resources you’ll need to confidently deliver the course material and maximize the benefit ultimately provided to the students in your classroom.

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Powerful Instructional Resources

  • Provide critical financial understanding to students with highly sought after financial training for instructors

  • Instructor Guides keep you organized and on track

  • Innovative Interactive Resources (calculators and storyboards) maximize lesson impact and retention

  • Hours of video lessons, tutorials, and coaching included

  • Pre-built lesson plans offer an easy to follow roadmap

  • Built upon a legacy of decades in advisor education


PEM LIFE Founder

Don Blanton has worked to educate more than 20,000 financial advisors in his nearly 30 year career as president and founder of MoneyTrax Inc., and still maintains a successful personal practice as a financial advisor today. The same core concepts, tools, and principles which he has developed to teach and train financial services professionals are now being made available through curricula offered by PEM LIFE in an effort to increase financial literacy across the globe.

Learn More


“There are only two ways to improve your present financial position. One is to find better products, which may potentially pay higher rates of return, but WHICH often require more risk. The second is to be more efficient, by avoiding unnecessary losses along the way.

There is more to be GAINED by avoiding the losses, than in trying to pick the winners.”

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There is an immense and urgent need to change the way we educate our youth about personal finance if we intend on helping them to build wealth and secure their financial future.

As a society, we spend a small fortune for our children to receive an education, yet they graduate with little to no understanding of how to manage the money they will earn. A deeply-seated understanding of the way financial mechanisms actually work, not how they are perceived to work, is the first step to ensuring a solid and secure financial future.

PEM LIFE brings decades of experience in educating financial advisors (teaching them how to help their clients improve their financial position) into the classroom with the Personal Economic Model®. Helping students to see and understand how to balance their current lifestyle desires with their future lifestyle requirements, so that they can be adequately prepared to live the kind of lifestyle they envision for their future.

We measure success by the positive impact we are able to have on the financial future of others, and we are driven by the prospect of the lasting influence of a reliable financial education. An education that equips students with the knowledge, resources, and understanding to build lasting wealth for themselves and achieve the financial success they are so earnestly striving for.

We are as deeply impassioned by the message we carry, as we are by the people it will reach.

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We are always ready to explore how we might be able to help each other positively impact the lives of others.

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Help support our endeavor to provide the gift of financial literacy to those in your community.

Frequently Asked Questions

More information about who we are, what we do, why we do it, and generally how things are structured.