What Instructors Are Saying…
The Personal Economic Model® is an essential component to my personal finance class. The model is both visually and intellectually appealing to students as they learn to make decisions to balance their current and future lifestyles. Every finance choice can be illustrated and communicated with the model and the array of independent calculators that accompany it. It is perfect for presenting the curriculum and assigning homework problems. It is the most valuable tool I've used to help students understand the concepts and improve decision making.
- Dr. Joe Calhoun, Florida State University
As a management professor I have never seen class content affect the lives of my students more directly. Traditional students are able to easily understand the principles and how important starting today is. Adult students learn where they really stand today and what can be done to prepare for the future. I had the Chief Information Officer of a large company take this as his last course, he made $400k a year and realized that he was completely unprepared for retirement - he said that this was the most impactful course he had ever taken in his college career.
- Dr. Daniel Gates, Bryan College
What Students Are Saying…
“I loved it. It was really eye opening to see just how important it is for me to regulate and manage my current expenses in order to have money to live off of in the future.”
“I feel like the Personal Economic Model® really helped me to better understand finances and how they work. I've always been really overwhelmed when I hear people talk about things such as 401K, loans, and things of that nature. I never knew what everything was and how they fit into the equation. I feel like with the diagram you provided I have a practical way to fit everything together, and I can use it when I move out and start paying for my own stuff.”
“Perhaps my biggest takeaway was the difference between borrowing and debt. I am definitely not alone in often confusing these terms and failing to grasp this concept. The clear distinction between the two was helpful for me. Another big takeaway for me was the emphasis on viewing debt and borrowing money in the correct light. This class has caused a paradigm shift in my mind.”
“The Lifestyle Regulator is an interesting tool. Makes you think about how important that new car is to you, because once you spend it, the money is gone forever. This regulator doesn't just help you pay your bills on time, it sets up the future. If you do not take your future into consideration you are going to end up sitting there with no way of retiring and no way of sustaining the life you want to live.”
“I liked the different perspective on saving. The phrase "It's not about how much you make, but about how much you keep," really jumped out to me as well as "to be where others cannot be, you must be able to do what others are not willing to do." These ideas connect when dealing with savings. Not many people are willing to save because they don't even consider the standing of their financial future.”
“Before this class I didn’t understand the importance of compounding interest. Making sure that those accounts continue to grow is so important for my future.”
“Something that I took away from this class is that you finance everything that you buy. I have never thought of this concept before until it was introduced to me. Even when cash is being used to buy something, that is still considered financing. It does not matter what kind of method one uses to buy things.”
“The class is genuinely beginning to click and come together for me. I see the power of opportunity cost. Everything I buy costs more than its purchase price due to opportunity cost. My future always bears the brunt. The trick is to balance my present and future requirements.”
What Administrators Are Saying…
"The PEM LIFE curriculum provides an outstanding hands on approach to learning personal finance. The calculators used in the curriculum, involve and motivate students, giving a unique one of a kind visual that clearly supports the subject matter. I have not seen anything out there that compares."
- Nathan Pifer - High School Principal, Concord Christian High School
What Homeschoolers Are Saying…
“I have overheard some of the videos as my daughter has been watching them and I'm so glad that you put this course together! She has been talking about what she has learned and questioning her dad and I about how much we have put away for retirement and asking other questions. It has already been great and she's only 1/3 of the way through.”
- Heather D.
“I have looked, y’all, and I have not seen anything that compares to what Personal Finance Illustrated® has to offer. It’s worth the extra investment; trust me on this one. How can you put a price on financial wisdom and stability?”
- Ann K. - Annie & Everything
“A lot of what I know is from being in the world and learning from trial and error. I wish this class had been available and mandatory before I graduated! I am learning alongside my children as I listen in to the lesson videos. This course is impacting my family in a very concrete way. I can already see how my children think more critically before they spend money. They are taking more thought into what they want for their future and what they need to do to get to their goals, realistically. This course has been a tremendous help in allowing us to discuss future plans, goals and setting realistic plans into motion.”
- Kaitlyn B. - Grace In The Mess
“I have always believed that our kids learn so much more when they understand how what they are learning applies to their life. Maybe not the life they are living right now, but also that is to come. As we work through this, I am amazed at all they are learning. So much that I did not know myself (how I wish I had a course like this when I was younger!) but that matters so much.”
- Jennifer K. - A Peace of Mind
“The Interactive Resource Library is really cool. There are several ways that the concepts of personal finance are illustrated and several tools to make real life comparisons. My personal favorite is the Budget Builder. It reminds me of the episode of the Cosby show when Cliff is teaching Theo about real life… he gives him a handful of monopoly money and by the time he is finished taking back the monthly expenses, Theo is left with barely anything. A great visual aid can really go a long way! If you are looking for a complete Personal Finance course with TONS of real life application, PEM LIFE’s Personal Finance Illustrated® Homeschool Edition is pretty amazing.”
- Katie D. - The Delight Directed Homeschooler
“As I dove into the lessons, the quality of the videos impressed me. The crisp sound and excellent images provide an enjoyable viewing experience. I appreciated being able to pause when I needed to, and the ability to access the interactive models when needed. I have to say the model used to explain personal finance made a deep and lasting impression on me. I found the introduction of the Personal Economic Model® understandable and completely different from the way I previously learned about finance. It spells out everything so clearly, including income, investments, and more.”
- Patti P. - Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
“The Personal Finance Illustrated® Homeschool Edition has become my high schooler's favorite course this year. It is practical, thorough, and uncomplicated. It takes concepts that may be difficult to grasp and explains them in a straightforward format that is perfect for teenagers. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants a strong understanding of their finances and security for their future.”
- Erika L. - Raising Leafs
“If the thought of teaching a financial class to your child has you sweating, don't panic. This course is well organized and provides everything necessary to help you. There are instructor guides for every lesson that you will walk you through the topics, and provide tips in presenting it to your student.”
- Laurie G. - School Days
“I love how the Personal Economic Model® is designed to help you find a balance between your current lifestyle and your future lifestyle requirements. You can increase your wealth by putting money into your future tanks (investments and savings) while managing your standard of living. I really wish that I had learned this in high school. If my daughter really understands this, she will be ahead of me at her age when it comes to finances and that's encouraging. I'm super impressed with the content that we have seen so far! If you are looking for a complete personal finance course, we highly recommend looking at PEM LIFE.”
- Kathryn C. - Cummins Life