There is an immense and urgent need to change the way we educate our youth about personal finance if we intend on helping them to build wealth and secure their financial future.

As a society, we spend a small fortune for our children to receive an education, yet they graduate with little to no understanding of how to manage the money they will earn. A deeply-seated understanding of the way financial mechanisms actually work, not how they are perceived to work, is the first step to ensuring a solid and secure financial future.

PEM LIFE brings decades of experience in educating financial advisors (teaching them how to help their clients improve their financial position) into the classroom with the Personal Economic Model®. Helping students to see and understand how to balance their current lifestyle desires with their future lifestyle requirements, so that they can be adequately prepared to live the kind of lifestyle they envision for their future.

We measure success by the positive impact we are able to have on the financial future of others, and we are driven by the prospect of the lasting influence of a reliable financial education. An education that equips students with the knowledge, resources, and understanding to build lasting wealth for themselves and achieve the financial success they are so earnestly striving for.

We are as deeply impassioned by the message we carry, as we are by the people it will reach.

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Frequently Asked Questions

More information about who we are, what we do, why we do it, and generally how things are structured.