Personal Finance Illustrated® Self-Study Registration

A real-world education in personal financial management

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The Self-Study Edition is perfect for anyone looking to broaden the scope with which they are able to see and react to the daily financial decisions they are required to make, without being burdened by all of the assignments and exercises typically associated with coursework. While quizzes are still included, they’re more of an information retention proposition, than a graded one. Get straight to the point with all of the tools, training, and information you need to make more informed financial decisions moving forward. We offer two versions of our curriculum, a Standard version and a Biblically Based version. The core content of both versions is exactly the same, with the Biblically Based version providing three additional Units which cover topics of work and finance from God’s perspective.

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Personal Finance Illustrated®

Self-Study Edition

General Admission - 180 days access



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Personal Finance Illustrated®

Biblically Based Self-Study Edition

General Admission - 180 days access


Practical financial understanding for the real world - It’s what we do